Tawsiary Morning Post

8:15 AM, 1 April 1234

Baron of Chingaim implicated on charges of Treason

The Tawsiary Morning Post has just learned that Baron Ran of Chingaim, holder of one of the largest estates in the Kingdom, has been arrested and charged with High Treason. He is being confined to his Chateau just outside the town of Brobensy now, while he awaits transport to Bowtudgel City.

The King's office confirmed that the Baron had been arrested and would be transported back to Bowtudgel City, but did not elaborate. But a person who works at the royal palace, and was privy to the discussions, told us that the Baron is believed to be associated with Fyrena Hyrde, the Thane of Egrog: the man who is demanding ransom for Princess Carmeana. (The source refused to share his name; he claimed that he was being disciplined for shirking out on his job as a chauffer, when the King received a fairy call concerning the Baron.)

We will continue to share more on this story as it develops.